welcome :3

cakestan 2021. 12. 8. 21:36

this is a blog where i'll be keeping a record of red velvet's activities and stories whenever I feel like it, hopefully, it will be a good memory to look back on!


i have goldfish memory and have always wanted to create a blog like this but never bothered to do so until today. 

it's kinda late to do such a blog since I've been a reveluv since 2015, it would have been much smarter of me to do it years ago instead of being lazy and dragging it until now

better late than never I guess!


it's winter break now which is why I have the time to set this whole thing up...when you're jobless and have all the time in the world - this is the state of boredom you end up in.


I'm not even sure if anyone will be reading this blog (I definitely will be though - when red velvet is no longer active and I wanna look back at my silly fangirl days) but one reason why I'm 20 and still a part of this fandom is because:


red velvet feels like a part of my youth that I'm unwilling to let go of.


truly, they've been a huge part of my teens and i grew up together with them - corny or not - i've sat through 2 major exams and grew from a clueless young child into an adult while listening to their discography.

i've been a reveluv for 6 years, coming 7 next year (since ice cream cake era)
sat through 13 comebacks, 2 japanese releases, 3 seasons of level up project, a subunit debut, 2 solo debuts, and many other of their group and individual projects. 

to put it statistically, i've spent more than a third of my life with them. 
no wonder it's so hard to quit being a fan, even though my life is getting busier and i'm no longer as active and as prominent in the fandom as i was before.

maybe it's the fear of adulting, the fear of facing a new future, the fear of facing reality,
that i'm hanging so tightly to the past.

the end of 2021 is approaching fast, I'll be 21 next year. who knows what the future holds for me, or for the girls.

everything is unpredictable, but for now, let's just go with the flow and leave the rest for the next day :)